131 UIT THE DICKENSIAN 340 John Greaves, Mr. Greaves, undertook another extensive- tour in February, again un der the auspices of the British coun cil, taking his popular repertory of Dickens recitals to: Germany and Holland, meeting with his costumary enthusiastic audiences, as he has done since in Caen, Normandy, (pag. 68) GEORGE ELIOT? „Dickens in the chair - a position he fills remarkably well, preserving a courteous neutrality of eye brows, and speaking with clearness and decision. His appea rance is certainly disappointing - no benevolence in the face, and, I think, little in the head, - the anterior lobe not by any means remarkable. In fact he is not distinguished looking in any way - neither handsome nor ugly, meither fat nor thin, neither tall nor short." (Brief van 5 mei 1852 A SYMPOSIUM? A Dickens Criticism? Past, present and future directions An edited Transcript of the Symposium held at the Alumnus Auditorium of Northeastern University, on June 10, 1963, -du ring the World Conference of The Dickens Fellowship, publis hed in an attractive paper-back format. Read the brilliant comments and analysis of the works of Charles Dickens, by. the noted writers, teachers and students of Dickens? Edgar Johnson, Professor of English, University of New York, and auther of „Charles Dickens, his tragedy and Triumph". J. Hillis. Miller, Associate Professor of English at John Hopkins University, and auther of „Charles Dickens, •the world of his. Novels":; George H,-Ford, Department of Eng lish, University of Rochester, and auther of „Dickens and his readers"! and Sylvere Monod, professor at Universite de Caen, France, and auther of „Dickens, Romancer". The price of the above Symposium Transcript is 2.50 per copy? post paid.

Krantenviewer Noord-Hollands Archief

The Dutch Dickensian | 1963 | | pagina 25