THACKERAY; „Long mayest thou, 0 Boz! reign over thy comic kingdom^ long may we pay tribute, wether of three pence weekly or of a shilling monthly, it matters not. Mighty prin ce! at thy imperial feet, Titmarsh, humblest of thy servants, offers his vows of loyalty and his humble tribute of praise'.' (Fraser's Magazine, juli, 1840.) „Mr. Skimpole in Bleak House isn't „bad. But he lacks subtlety» he's not a „perfect model for the budding tapeworm. „The fact is that no writer, so far as I'm „aware, has really gone into the question „of parasites." Aldous Huxley Those Barren Leaves Chapter iii. GERARD MOORE. Am I too loud? Describing his youths „I obtained employment in a departmentstore at a weekly sa- „lary of three dollars and fifty cents. I was then fourteen. „My lean and hungry look must have been mistaken for asceti- „cism for I was installed in the book department, my duties „being to take the customers purchases, wrap them up and re- „turn with their change. But I also had to dust the shelves „and sweep the floor"and this was most disagreeable to me. I „found it far less arduous to camouflage myself behind piles „of books, where I would read to my hearts content. Cries for „the cash boy were ignored, I was immersed in Charles Dic- „kens. When my hide-out was discovered a new plan had to be 132

Krantenviewer Noord-Hollands Archief

The Dutch Dickensian | 1963 | | pagina 26