59 Gaffer Hexam nodded. "But that's common. Whether it's the wash of the tide or no, I can't say. Now here," moving the light to another similar placard, "his pockets was found empty and turned inside out. And here,' moving the light to another, "her pocket was found empty, and turned inside out This one was a sailor, with two anchors and a flag and G.F.T. on his arm. This one was the young woman in grey boots, and her linen marked with a cross And this is him as had a nasty cut over his eye. This is them two sisters what tied themselves together with a handkecher. This is the drunken old chap, in a pair of list slippers and a night cap, wot had offered it afterwards came out to make a hole in the water for a quartern of rum stood aforehand, and kept to his word for the first and the last time in his life". Hexam had, of course, made shadowy appearances in earlier books. In GREAT EXPECTATIONS (Chaper 54) he is there as the "jack" at the Ship Inn. "No other company was in the house than the landlord, his wife, ar.d a grizzled male creature, the "jack" of the little causeway, who was as slimy and smeary as if he had been low water-mark too." Later while Pip and his companions were comforting themselves by the fire after their meal,, they again encountered the "jack" "who was sitting in a corner, and who had a bloated pair of shoes on, which he had exhibited while we were eating our eggs and bacon, as interesting relics that he had taken a few days earlier from the feet of a drowned seaman washed ashore." But Hexam had even earlier prototypes, namely the "couple of water side men, bearing between them certain machines called drags' whom we meet in quilp's sitting-room on the evening when he retumes home to find that he has been „given up for dead. In this, one of the most comical scenes in all Dickens, we find not only the originals of the 'bird of prey', but work going ahead on the composition of a MISSING - BELIEVED DROWNED notice. "With regard to the descriptive advertisement," said Sampson Brass, taking up his pen. "It is a melancholy pleasure te recall his traits. Respecting his legs now "Crooked, certainly," said Mrs Jiniwin. "Do you think they were crooked?" said Brass, in an insinuating tone. "I think I see them now coming up the street very wide apart, in nankeen pantaloons a little shrunk and without straps. Ah I what a vale of tears we live in. Do we say crooked

Krantenviewer Noord-Hollands Archief

The Dutch Dickensian | 1985 | | pagina 61