"it was always said of him, that he knew how to keep Christmas well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge. May that be truly said of us, and all of us! And so, as Tiny Tim observed, God Bless Us, Every One!" Dick Kooiman [Deze tekst zal in kortere vorm worden uitgesproken op zondagmorgen 17 December in de Oude Kerk te Heemstede waar de Christmas Carol van Dickens centraal staat] LITERATUUR Ackroyd, Peter 1990 Dickens, London: Sinclair Stevenson Ltd. Dickens, Charles 1934 The Life of Our Lord, written expressly for his children, London: Associated Newspapers Ltd. Fido, Martin n.d. Charles Dickens: an authentic account of his life and times, London a.o.: Hamlyn. Hanna, Robert C. 1999 The Life of Our Lord: new notes of explication, in The Dickensian Vol. 95: 3 Rem, Tore 2000 Fictional Exorcism?: Parodies of the Supernatural in Dickens, in The Dickensian, Vol 96: 1. Schlicke, Paul (ed.) 1999 Oxford Reader's Companion to Dickens, Oxford: University Press. Townsend, James 1999 Charles Dickens: Cheshire Cat "Christianity", in Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society, Volume 12: 23 (http://www.faithalone.org/journal/1999ii/J23-99d.htm) Wagenknecht, Edward, 1966 The Man Charles Dickens, Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.

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