-li attention to the merits of the establishmentYet nobody ever came to school, nor do I recollect that anybody ever proposed to come, or that at least preparation was made to receive anybody. But I know that we got on very badly with the butcher and baker; that very often we had not too much for dinner. Forster schrijft dan: Then, at home, came many miserable daily struggles that seemed to last an immense time, yet did not perhaps cover many weeks. Almost everything by degrees was sold or pawned, little Charles being the principal agent in those sorrowful transactionsSuch of the books as had been brought from Chatham, Peregrine Pickle, Roderick Random, Tom Jones, Humphrey Clinker, and all the rest, went first. They were carried off from the little chiffonier, which his father called the libraryto a bookseller in the Hampstead Road, the same that David Copperfield describes as in the City Road; and the account of the sales, as they actually occurred and were told to me long before David was born, was reproduced word for word in his imaginary narrative The keeper for this bookstallwho lived in a little house behind it, used to get tipsy every night, and to be violently scold by his wife every morning. More than once, when I went there early, I had audience of him in a turn-up bedstead, with a cut in his forehead or a black eye, bearing witness to his excesses over night (I am afraid he was quarrelsome in his drink); and he, with a shaking hand, endeavouring to find the needful shillings in one or other of the pockets in his clothes, which way upon the floor, while his wife, with a baby in her arms and her shoes down at heel, never left off rating him. Sometimes he had lost his money, and then he would ask me to call again; but his wife had always got some (had taken his, I dare say, while he was drunk)and secretly completed the bargain on the stairs, as we went down together.(a) Toen Charles' ouders door bemiddeling van James Lamert, de kans kregen hem te werk te stellen, maakten zij daar gretig gebruik van. En zo kwam hij, 12 jaar oud - voor die tijd een normale leeftijd - in een schoensmeer fabriekje. Zes shilling per week was geen slecht loon en de werktijden van 8 tot 8 met een uur voor middageten en een half uur voor thee,, waren gebruikelijk. Vijf en twintig jaren later jammert hij echter hierover nog: In an evil hour for me, as I often bitterly thought. Its chief manager, James Lamert, the relative who had lived with us in Bayham Street, seeing how I was employed from day to day, and knowing what our domestic circumstancesthen were, proposed that I should go into the blacking workhouse, to be as useful as I could, at a salary, I think, of six shilling a week. I am not clear whether it was six or seven. I am inclined to believe, from my uncertainty on this head, that it was six at first, and seven afterward. At any rate the offer was accepted very willingly by my father and mother, and on a Monday morning I went down in the blacking warehouse to begin my business life. It is wonderful to me, how I could have been so easily cast away at such an age. It is wonderful to me, that, that even after my descent into the poor little drudge I had been since we came to London, no one had compassion enough on me - a child of singular abilitiesquick, eager, delicate, and soon hurt, bodily or mentally - to suggest that something might have been spared, as certainly it might have been, to place me at any common school. Our friends, I take, were tired out. No one made any sign. My father and mother were quite satisfied. They a. Zie David Copperfield hoofdstuk 11

Krantenviewer Noord-Hollands Archief

The Dutch Dickensian | 2001 | | pagina 23