8. The family in Britain Leonore Davidoff. - p.131-194. In: The Cambridge Social History of Britain 1750-1950, Volume 2, People and their environment F.M.L.Thompson (ed.). - Cambridge a.o.: Cambridge University Press, 1990. - ISBNO 521 25789. 9. Dickens/ P.Ackroyd. - A Minerva Paperback. - London: Mandarin Paperbacks, 1991. - ISBN 0 7493 0647 5. ch.l,p.4. 10. Charles Dickens: His Tragedy and Triumph/Edgar Johnson. - s.L: Simon and Schuster, 1952 - 1157 cxcll p., bibl.index 11John Forster, The Life of Charles Dickens/B. W. Matz (ed.). - Two Volumes. - London: Chapmann and Hall Ltd, 1911. Book 1, ch.I, p. 10. 12. Dickers and Daughter/ Gladys Storey. - London: Frederick Muller Ltd.1939. 13. The Barrows of Bristol/ W.J.Carlton. - The Dickensian xlvi (1950) 33-6. 14. The Childhood and Youth of Chares Dickens R.Langton. - London Hutchmson Co. 1891. - 133 p. - p.12. 15. J.Forster, The Life of Charies Dickens, Vol.1, Book 1, ch.I., p.6. 16 J.Forster, The Life of Charles Dickens, Vol.1, Book I, ch.I, p.8-9. 17. J.Forster, Vol.1, Book 1, ch.I., p.10-11. 18. W.J.Carlton, The Deed in David Copperfield, Dick. Xlviii (1952) 101-6, p. 103. 19. Commentaries on the Law of England in four Books Sir William Blackstone. - 16 ed. J.T.Cole- idge (ed.). - London T.CadellJ.Butterworth and Son 1825. - Book II, ch.31, p.471-4. 20 Second Report of the Comittee appointed to examine into the state of Newgate, and other Prisons within the City of London and the Borough of Southwark, 1818 (392) vol. viii, 1 June. - British Parliamentary Papers;, Crime and Punishment; Prisons 8 State and Management of Prisons. - Shannon: Irish University Press, 1970. - SBN 7165 1031 6. p.392. 21. P.Ackroyd, Diekens. - London Mandarin Paperbacks, 1991. -ISBN 0 7493 0647 5. - ch.4, p.95-6. 22. A.Easson, John Dickens and the Navy Pay Office. - The Dickensian Ixx (1974) 35-45. 23 Dickens and Daughter 1/ Gladys Storey. - London: Frederick Muller Ltd.1939. - p.53. 24. A.Easson-. Elizabetth Dickens; Light on John Dickens'Legacy. The Dickensian lxvil (1971), p. 19. 25. Storey, Dickens and Daughter, p.56-7. The kind of blacking pot Dickens labelled.

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