Voor ons is het de vraag, of kerkelijke diensten en sacramenten, veel hadden kunnen bijdragen aan zedelijke verheffing. Wij zagen bij Thomas Culver het weren van nieuwe gegadigden voor de 'charities' uit de Poor Side. Wij zagen ook hoe gemakkelijk het was drank te krijgen. Het profijt, dat gevangenisdirecteuren en gevangenispersoneel trokken van de verteringen van de gevangenen, was uiteraard al niet bevorderlijk voor matiging. De chummage was geknoei. Dat iemand met geld kon ontsnappen, terwijl directeur en personeel 'niets wisten', tekent de situatie. Mr.Jones van King's Bench durfde het Comité te vertellen, dat er wel op tien plaatsen in die gevangenis drank werd verkocht. Er was een plaats, vertelde een gevangene aan het comité, waar men 's-avonds bijeenkwam om te drinken; hij zelf was 'disturbed by the riotous intoxication in his vicinity' en vanwege de reuk van gin was die plaats gemakkelijk te ontdekken. Job Trotter (The Pickwick Papers) laat Mr.Pickwick een 'whistling-shop' zien, waar men gin kon kopen: "Would you like to see a whistling-shop, sir?" inquired Job Trotter. "What do you mean?" was Mr. Pickwick's counter inquiry. "A vistlinshop, sir," interposed Mr. Welter. "What is that, Sam? A bird-fancier's?" inquired Mr. Pickwick. "Bless your heart, no, sir," replied Job; "a whistling-shop, sir, is where they sell spirits." Mr. Job Trotter briefly explained here that all persons being prohibited under heavy penalties from conveying spirits into debtors' prisons, and such commodities being highly prized by the ladies and gentlemen confined therein, it had occurred to some speculative turnkey to connive, for certain lucrative considerations, at two or three prisoners retailing the favourite article of gin, for their own profit and advantage. "This plan you see, sir, has been gradually introduced into all the prisons for debt," said Mr. Trotter. "And it has this wery great advantage," said Sam, "that the turnkeys takes wery good care to seize hold o'ev'rybody but them as pays 'em, that attempts the willainy, and ven it gets in the papers they'ra applauded for their wigilance; so it cuts two ways - frightens other people from the trade, and elewates their own characters." "Exactly so, Mr. Weller," observed Job. "Well, but are these rooms never searched, to ascertain whether any spirits are concealed in them?" said Mr. Pickwick. "Cert'nly tshey are, sir," replied Sam; "but the turkeys knows beforehand, and gives the word to the wistlers, and you may whistle for it ven you go to look." By this time, Job had tapped at a door, which was opened by a gentleman with an uncombed head, who bolted it after them, when they walked in, and grinned; upon which Job grinned, and Sam also; whereupon Mr. Pickwick, thinking it might be expected of him, kept on smiling to the end of the interview.

Krantenviewer Noord-Hollands Archief

The Dutch Dickensian | 2003 | | pagina 13