The gentleman with the uncombed head appeared quite satisfied with this mute announcement of their business, and, producing a fiat stone bottle, which might hold a couple of quarts, from beneath his bedstead, filled out three glasses of gin, which Job Trotter and Sam disposed of in a most workmanlike manner. "Any more?" said the whistling gentleman. "No more," replied Job Trotter. Mr. Pickwick paid, the doorwas unbolted, and out they came; the uncombed gentleman bestowing a friendly nod upon Mr. Roker, who happened be passing at the moment. Illustratie: A Whistling Shop in the Fleet A Whistling Shop in this Fleet. Drawn by I. ér3 R. G. Cruikshank

Krantenviewer Noord-Hollands Archief

The Dutch Dickensian | 2003 | | pagina 14