Charles Dickens, De Kunstenaar en Het Insolventierecht 1Het Insolventierecht. In begin van de jaren 1790 werd door het House of Commons besloten een parlementair onderzoek in te stellen naar de praktijk en gevolgen van de gevangenschap wegens schulden. Het rapport werd in april 1792 gedrukt. Het behandelde eerst het arrest on Mesne Process. Dit kon plaats vinden voor ieder bedrag van tenminste £10. In de Court of King's Bench had de aangeklaagde geen enkel mogelijkheid van verweer. In de Court of Common Pleas mocht de aangeklaagde aantonen, dat de schuld hoogst onwaarschijnlijk was of schriftelijk bewijzen, dat er geheel geen schuld was. In feite een zware omgekeerde bewijslast dus. Bij de arrestatie werd geen enkele rekening gehouden met persoonlijke omstandigheden: An Arrest may be made at any Hour by Day or by Night, and on any Day, Sunday excepted. In the Execution of an Arrest on legal Process, the Officer having got peaceably in at the outer Door, may break open the Door of an inner Apartment to arrest the Defendant or Debtor; and may do so with Circumstances of extreme Violence. Accordingly, in a Case where the Officers had broken into a Bedchamber, in which the Defendant and his Wife were in Bed, and had conducted themselves with great Outrage; and in another, where the Door was broke open with such Violence that it fell, and with it the Officer, into the Room, it was held (necessarily as the Law stands) that as they had peaceably entered the outer Door, there was nothing unlawful in the Arrest. A Plaintiff may arrest the Defendant, imprison him for Want of Bail, and there detain him in Custody, though he knows and admits that such Defendant is insane; and the Court cannot discharge the Defendant out of Prison, either where he had become insane while in Prison, or was insane at the Time of the Arrest. And the Law has made no Provision for supplying indigent Prisoners with necessary Food, Bed Clothes, or Covering of any Kind. A debtor may be imprisoned on Execution, upon a Capias ad Satisfaciendum, for a Debt of any Amount, however small; and though manifestly unable to discharge the Debt, and at all Times ready to give up his Effects, he may be detained in Prison, if his Creditor think proper, for Life, without any possible Means of regaining his Liberty; with the single Exception of a Debtor who happens as a Trader, to be protected by the Certificate of Bankrupt. A Person known and admitted to be insane, as he may be arrested on Mesne Process, so he may be imprisoned in Execution, and detained in Prison for any length of Time; the Courts not having it in their Power to discharge him, or to take his Body from the Creditor. And as there is nothing to protect Persons who are in the utmost Extremity of

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The Dutch Dickensian | 2004 | | pagina 10