Sickness from the Consequences of a sudden Arrest and Imprisonment in a common Gaol, or to entitle them to be removed into a fitter Situation, so it appears that many Persons die within a very short Time of their Commitment to PrisonOne Woman died the same Day on which she was committed to Prison. A Man died next day after his Commitment - Three Persons died within a Week - Six within a Fortnight - Fourteen within a Month - and Twelve within Two Months after their respective Commitments. But there are many Prisoners who gradually decline, and live a considerable Number of Years in a State of Disease, occasioned by their Confinement. [Report Committee 1792, p.5-6,11,21,22] Wie eenmaal uit de samenleving was verwijderd, mocht rustig sterven, dat was van geen belang meer. De duur van de gevangenschap kon eindeloos worden. Zelfs wanneer de gevangene rechtens ontslagen kon worden, had hij veelal geen geld om fees en de kosten van de vrijlatingsprocedure te betalen. As the Law has not said that a Debtor, against whom a Judgment has been obtained, shall not be arrested or imprisoned in Execution, if the Debt do not amount to a certain Sum, (as in the Case of Arrest on Mesne Process) it happens very frequently that Debtors are carried to Prison, or detained in Execution, for Debts of a very small Amount, and in Circumstances which afford no Prospect of Payment to the Creditor. And such Debtors, so imprisoned for very small Sums, are often confined for Life, or for a very long Course of Years. Of the total Number of Prisoners stated to be in the different Gaols from which Returns have been made, amounting to 1,957, besides about 100 more in Confinement for Debts to the King, Forfeiture of Recognizance,&cc. 706 appear to be Debtors in Execution; of these 110 are in Execution for Debts under £20, and some of these have been Eight Years, others Nine Years, and One Ten Years in Prison; 185 are in Execution for Debts from £20 tot £50, and some of these have been Eight, others Nine, and others Ten Years in Prison: One Man has been Twenty-four Years in Prison for £35: 141 are in Execution for Debts from £50 to £100, some of whom have been confined Seven Years, One Nine Years, and One Ten Years; and 270 are in Execution for Debts of £100 and upwards, a considerable Number of whom have been in Gaol Nine Years, some Ten Years, and others Eleven Years. [Ibid.p.24] M.a.w. ook bij arrest on Final Process was de gevangene een waardeloos relict. Het rapport geeft vervolgens per dezelfde groepen van grootte van de schulden aantallen gevangenen die na twee tot vijftien jaren in de gevangenis stierven. Veel gevangenen waren gehuwd en hadden grote gezinnen van vijf tot tien kinderen bij zich. Uit de ontvangen 'Returns' bleken 1.300 vrouwen en 4.088 kinderen in de gevangenissen te leven. [Ibid.p.25] several Witnesses concur in ascribing the Progress of many Diseases with which the Prisoners are afflicted to the Want of proper Nourishment, Bedding, and Cloathing, and their being too much crowded together. One Witness states, that "having been induced from Humanity to "practice Physics, and finding the Complaints of the Prisoners to proceed in general from Want of Food and

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The Dutch Dickensian | 2004 | | pagina 11