Cross over to the Surrey side, and look at such shops of this description as are to be found near the King's Bench prison, and in 'the Rules'. How different, and how strikingly illustrative of the decay of some of the unfortunate residents in this part of the metropolis! Imprisonment and neglect have done their work. There is contamination in the profligate denizens of a debtor's prison; old friends have fallen off; the recollection of former prosperity had passed away; and with it all thoughts for the past, all care for the future. First, watches and rings, then cloaks, coats, and all the more expensive articles of dress, have found their way to the pawnbroker's. That miserable resource has failed at last, and the sale of some trifling article at one of these shops, has been the only mode left of raising a shilling or two, to meet the urgent demands of the moment. Dressing-cases and writing-desks, too old to pawn but too good to keep; guns, fishing-rods, musical instruments, all in the same condition; have first been sold, and the sacrifice has been but slightly felt. But hunger must be allayed, and what has already become a habit, is easily resorted to, when an emergency arises. Light articles of clothing, first of the ruined man, then of his wife, at last of their children, even of the youngest, have been parted with, piecemeal. There they are, thrown carelessly together until a purchaser present himself, old, and patched and repaired, it is true; but the make and materials tell of better days; and the older they are, the greater the misery and destitution of those whom they once adorned. Dickens beschreef in de Street Sketches niet slechts harde realiteit, hij begon ook mensen uit te tekenen, hoe kort getypeerd soms ook. Zelfs de verpande voorwerpen vertoonden de mensen in hun persoonlijk stadium van verpaupering. Evenals die mensen werden de voorwerpen zonder respect op een hoop gegooid. Kort na Street Sketch N°5 verscheen in februari 1835 The Gin-shop. Het is een schets van beperkte omvang. Na een algemene inleiding met een steek onder water naar de Commissioners of Bankruptcy en de Commissioners of Lunacy, gaan wij de arme vuile wijken in. Daar schildertDickens in contrast met die wijken een fraaie "splendid" gin-shop. In de loop van de avond echter degradeert het gedrag van het publiek tot een vechtpartij met als gevolg ingrijpen van de politie. The Gin Shop Scenes

Krantenviewer Noord-Hollands Archief

The Dutch Dickensian | 2004 | | pagina 25