"In New York City 6.000people crowded the wharf where the ship carrying the magazine with the last installment of the novel was to dock. Finally, the ship approached, but the crowd could not wait. Spying the captain on deck, all cried out as one the burning question: "Did Little Nell die?" IQ's of Authors: Psychologist Catharine Morris Cox estimated the 10's of the, according her, the top seven writers in her "Genetic Studies of Genius" (1926): John Stuart Mill- 190 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe —185 Thomas Chatterton -170 Voltaire 170 George Sand —150 Lord Byron 150 Charles Dickens 145 Dropouts who became great writer: "Writers who neverfinished grade school include Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, Maxim Gorki, Alberto Moravia, and Sean O 'Casey. Error: 'Dickens has boys hoeing turnips in midwinter in Nicholas Nickleby. Quotations: Crying: "We need never be ashamed of our tears.Great Expectations Education: 'Now, what I want is, Facts. Teach these boys and girls nothing but Facts. Facts alone are wanted in life. Plant nothing else, and root out everything else Stick to Facts, sir!" (Hard Times) England: "T.his land was Blest, Sir, to the Direct Exclusion of such Other Countries as - as there may happen to be. And if we were all Englishmen present, I woidd say, "added Mr. Pdsnap "that there is in the Englishman a combination of qualities, a modesty, an independence, a responsibility, a repose, combined with an absence of everything calculated to call a blush into the cheek of a young person, which one would seek in vain among the Nations of the Earth.(Our Mutual Friend) Life: "I am ruminating', said Mr. Pickwick, "on the strange mutability of human affairs."Ah, I see - in at the palace door one day, out at the window the next. Philosopher, sir?" "An observer of human nature, sir, "said Mr. Pickwick. The People: 'But sippose there are two mobs?" suggested Mr. Snodgrass. "Shout with the largest,replied Mr. Pickwick.

Krantenviewer Noord-Hollands Archief

The Dutch Dickensian | 2004 | | pagina 48