148 MASTER HUMPHREY'S CLOCK. PERSONAL ADVENTURES OF MASTER HUMPHREY. vZTijc 01b GTutiosttn Hi NT is generally my lime for walking. In the summer I often leavo home early in the morning, and roam about fields and lanes all day, or even escape for days or weeks together, but saving in the country I seldom go out until after dark, though, Heaven be thanked, I love its light and feel the cheerfuln< -s it sheds upon the earth, as much as any creature living. I have fallen insensibly into this habit, both because it favours my infirmity and because it affords me greater opportunity of speculating on the characters otj *»kn fill *Im TU ~1,.— „„A UA Eerste pagina van nummer 4 van The Clock door Cattermole interesse voor Nell, hij ziet haar als zijn volgende eega, zoals Quilp haar in een aan duidelijkheid niets te wensen gesprek, vertelt: 'There's no hurry, little Nell, no hurry at all,' said Quilp. 'How should you like to be my number two, Nelly?"To be what, sir?' "My number two, Nelly; my second; my mrs. Quilp,' said the dwarf.".

Krantenviewer Noord-Hollands Archief

The Dutch Dickensian | 2009 | | pagina 40