The Haerlem Courant, Xtvity tenütfö into <£ngliflj. -26- Hurlem, Jj/uurr 11 London, J.mnory o .Paris, Jm, 2. Our Galleys, which fhould- hare wintered at Giny arc returned to i'ronnct and"."rhc SiuyQ rarty give out that thereafoo avoid (inking to tliofc of Safin and of the. ukcoiTurfis, who otherwifc would have preiicd them to it: but the 10 others, which arc fud- dcnly to put out will (hew the contrar/. The Pirates or 7>/>a have tooit a fhipo(MirfeilUt, near that Coaft very richly ladrn, and valued at more then icoooc. Crownesj whereupon 5 Ships are preparing under Monficur fal ie!!:, to hinder, ifpoliblc, tliofc i'iratcs from the like attempts. People wonder very much at the difgrace of Madam dtSaubhtto whom the King hath given a pcnfionof Fourteen rhotifand pounds, Ixrfidis that of the 6 which fhe had before but its thought its occafioned by fomc dtfiatisiaftion that has been mown. The King hath gran ted to Monhcur if Mont ju fier the difpofal of fomc fmail Charges of the Dauphin, but thofe of great imporranec hii JV'.ajcfly himself btflowsHert- ip«»n it happened that Ma dam having dcfircd of him that of Secretary of the Or dcrs, faying that (lie wis promitcd to be prcftntcd for it the Sum of a H-.uv'r d thouiiind pounds-, his Ma- jefty excufed it l>up!.'.i;!, that flic fhould lofc nothing by it, whereupon H fern her home prcfcntlyafter the laid 5'um ot a hundred liioufmd pounds. P*riff~J<t»i- a. Qa-Thmfdrif evening la ft vvas figned the contract of marriage of the Prince it Conti with Madam MaiJ/lh dt Bitesthe moll ellcnrial of which is, that the King, befidcs the Dukedom of fawoUrwhich belongs to that Princcf. gives her a. Million, with a pcnfionof One hundred thoufand J^nrs his A/ajefly liath likewifc added Twenty.hv<; cljts*«d Crowns to the penfion of that Prince which was "TCfcco before: and fhall givatlie Bride r great many èxtraordinary rich Jewel;, befidcs thole flic had before. The Duke of treqni is nominated to carry to Mut.icl? the prefents for Madam dt Daufineand r\w i"»ntraa llr.liil.1T Ijiu i.n her and ihr rupUin is faid to. have been figned on the i8rh. pafl, and thought fhall be copfummatcd in the Month c O/ar 5* Befidcs t" the King gives ro; Madafn dinf,s rr> the King Ins Mafler according to the c\- ■ynt him from thence Whereupon .v/onficn i'.nuuuu •"VI1IKUI .If in the name of his tleftoral Highnefs of B>.tiin- dcfircd of the King the fame of nvfrT; offering. rlur if the Cannon, fhoul.l occaf o-v Jny obfijclc, to treat about it, and to give fuflicietit li ro 0 wm lull fatisfartiun wnith proportion however, is laid, h#ro lie excepted his Majefly abfolutcly demanding that Cannon, -11/ wdl not part with it for any money. England, &c. Undon, Jan. a. The King hath ordered the "following Proclamation to be publilhcd for the more Mortitvin-' Popery. 1 0 CHAR l._E S, R. The K I N G. &c. I.ondjtn, Jan.- 5'Tlicfc is a Declaration drawn up by ome againfl Petitions, whofc iublcri!>crs oppolc dircit- y t ïole of the i'ctiiions but we here nor, -who a;..- engaged in u f;i1 the mean time they proceed here and ere in the figning of Petitions -but lately ('ome n*r- (ons tn the Strand prt tending they would alio li.m- urnIct that pretence went to a Tavern, and having Cl<t rhc Petition intó their Viands which was fubfcribcd tliS)L,}ung it into the fire and hunit ir. There wasTikcwÏÏc one /{.mh an dViLapTs took in arrcfl, w 10 had aIfo procured K'.ur hundcrcd pcrfbns to (ub- jcribc for the fitting of the Parliament-, aud was brought b (ore Council, but afrer a Ifurp rebuke was re- ru n T"ef"'"/ Ijft fIlc Lord .Uayor and the Chiefs «a j y ucrc with 'dKuajcfly and rccci- ed order «0 p«r the l aws iV'fcertuioti agiir-fl the Ca- tnolicks, and to take ere againfl all tumults in jondm- 2rCrTn rl^TUrnd to Guild-Hall, tliey refolved lour Coninanlcs ofthe Trained Bands fliouM be upon the 1 's liketftfe performed. On Sartirday óveral' of the' I mic C NJ°"CV/ AU'V'mpr'fTaI Cit'Zcns "catcd very Splendidly Dr. Gates Can r °2 b/- which I Mr. Dug dale, A.'r. Dangofidd, and flvcral others «•%w-U^«cdlloa^ or her n«rrjaec wjtl, the I'rincc of Cm, fhe In, fiid 'ÜtTli'hnh'i, 0^'^^"" other her preparations and" of rhc Par ti«« - - -"-counts Forty Thoufand Crowns for her preparations, and'of the"lrlor." ""There'hkrei^frrmMwi^ .vWo-h.her' MO,her pofiehed, I «r, Jm, oMw e'" t,f ghncls renders yearly Forty i (ng been her Confdlor they talke alfb of rnchumrit and now falls to her Highm thoufand Gilden ir is alio faid ih.r thé laid Prince I befidcs the addition to his penfion, Hull have very eon- thcr things. There »s alfo one nidal rrV l i" Union, The Haerlem Courant, 9 januari 1680 (Bodleian Library, Oxford) en het Haarlemse origineel van 11 januari (Museum Enschedé, Haarlem). Opmerkelijk is dat de vertaling 2 dagen eerder lijkt te zijn verschenen dan het origineel. De verklaring daarvan is dat in Haarlem toen al lang de Gregoriaanse kalender werd gebruikt en in Londen nog de Juliaanse. De vertaling verscheen de facto 8 dagen na het origineel. Haerlem Jaarboek 2005

Krantenviewer Noord-Hollands Archief

Jaarverslagen en Jaarboeken Vereniging Haerlem | 2005 | | pagina 28