104 UIT DE DICKENSIA1T Nr.339 Op pagina 62 zijn de laatste alinea's van Mevrouw Heerma van Voss voordracht afgedrukt. Something Turning up Seen over one of the new ""bett ing shops" in Weston-super-Mare s Wilkins Micawber Ltd. Turf Accountant. (E. G. V. op biz. 60) DICKENS WAS RIGHT By Ralph McGill Washington. - Now and then, the more idiotic criticisms of our political life remind us of a piece of writing of Charles Dickens. In his „American Notes", written in 1843, one may reads "It is an essential part of every national character to pique itself mightily upon its faults, and to deduce tokens of its virtue or its wisdom from their very exaggeration. One great blemish in the popular mind of America, and the prolific parent of an innumerable brood of evil, is universal dis trust "You carry", says the stranger, "this jealousy and dis trust into every transaction of public life. By repelling worthy men from your legislative assemblies, it has bred up a class of candidates for the suffrage, who, in their every act, disgrace your institutions and your people's choice. It has rendered you so fickle, and so given to change,that your inconstance has passed into a proverb; for you no sooner set up an idol firmly than you are suie to put it down and dash it into fragments; and this because, directly you reward a benefactor or a public servant, you distrust him, merely be cause he is rewarded; and immediately apply yourselves to find out, either that you have been too bountiful in your acknowledgments, or he remiss in deserts.

Krantenviewer Noord-Hollands Archief

The Dutch Dickensian | 1963 | | pagina 22