FROM DICKENS!AF no. 347 In het zojuist verschenen Autumn Number van The Dickensian is een verslag van de 59ste Annual Conference te Eastbourne te lezen, bat de afgevaardigde Hollanders daar niet over het hoofd werden gezien? moge blijken uit de volgende cita ten. BUSINSSSMEETING. The invitation to hold the next conference in Bath, on May 6th to 10th 1966, was cordially accepted, as was another for 1967 from the Haarlem Branch, (pag.182) CONFERENCE DINNER. The Dickens Fellowship was the subject of a toast by Mr.M.P.Birley, Headmaster of East bourne College. Mr.E.Tomlinson, Eastbourn, replied for the home branches, and MrJo.Beek, Haarlem, for those overseas, (pag.182) SOCIAL EVENING. The programme included a short Dickens Recital by the ever popular Mr.John Greaves, some exellent films of last year's Conference at Blackpool by the brothers Beek of Haarlem, and a performance by an extra ordinarily good conjurer.(pag. 183 THE PRESIDENT. He has already visited our branches at Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham and in company with his wife and our Hon.Secretary invaded Holland last month to meet our Dutch members. In turn Council hopes that branches will give him the support a good leader can rightly expect, (pag. 185) THE HONORARY SECRETARY. Last month he spoke to our Amsterdam Reading Circles besides visiting branches in the north-west and in the south of England, (pag.186) 254

Krantenviewer Noord-Hollands Archief

The Dutch Dickensian | 1965 | | pagina 12