- 101 - bij stuk. Hij beschouwde zich als een loot van de Haarlemse stam en weigerde deze door te snijden. Toen men krachtiger aandrong, dreigde de heer Van Oorschot de baron en de barones uit de Fellowship terug te nemen en het logboek van Louise Overbeek aan het Shakespeare-genootschap over te dragen. Men keerde ontdaan naar Londen terug. De zaak zal op de komende Annual Conference opnieuw aan de orde komen. Hoe ontkennend ook gebracht, bij naspeuringen in het archief bleek het bericht maar al te zeer op waarheid te berusten. In februari 1958, dus amper een jaar na de oprichting van de Haarlem Branch was Headquarters benaderd voor de oprichting van een Haagsche Branch. Ik geef u hier onder de brief aan Headquarters, waarin de President zijn Presidential Opinion geeft over deze kwestie. February 4th 1958 Dear Mr. Greaves, I owe you as yet an answer on your question about the Hague Branch, the foundation of which was seriously considered by our members in that part of Holland. Your point of view was more or less opposite to mine. I was not inclined to stimulate the formation of a new Branch, whereas you saw the possibility in a more favourable light: 'In regard to the proposed Branch at The Hague, I would hesitate to discourage any branch formation, unless there is any particular reason for doing so. We must rely to a great extent upon your knowledge of the circumstances, and whether the branch is likely to survive - whether for instance there are people there who would be strong enough to serve as officers and keep the branch running succesfully. The number of members is not large, but many branches survive succesfully on that number, and it can always be increased once the branch is started. Committee felt as I do that if there is any chance of a good branch-opening there it should be encouraged, and there are of course several branches in this country doing very well within a near distance of each other. This has the makings of exchange of programmes and small conferences which are so useful in keeping the Fellowship together. Perhaps you would be good enough to let me have your views on the possibility of a branch at The Hague and why you do not consider it is advisable to stimulate it (10th Dec. '58) Well, I doubted if the Haarlem-Branch in this early phase of its existence could stand such a bleeding and if the Hague-Branch would be a strong enough to survive the seperation. In short, I preferred one flourishing Branch to the possibility of two languishing ones. However, your opinion was discussed by the board of the Haarlem-Branch and carried the day. So we gave them 'plein pouvoir' to act as they wanted, but on the last moment The Hague shrank back from the necessity of severing the ties with Haarlem and was at a loss what to do. In the ensueing confusion Mr. Van Oorschot proposed a sort of compromise, which will be discussed on 8th February, our meeting. I enclose a copy of the papers referring to the problem. As you have a lot to do, I don't expect any answer, I only want you to be in the picture.

Krantenviewer Noord-Hollands Archief

The Dutch Dickensian | 1987 | | pagina 103