- 90 - For one thing, the story had to be presented out of its original context. Also, Potgieter left out Dickens's moralizing as well as some elements he considered unnecessary. Furthermore, the story was adapted to the Dutch world view. But not all alterations served an obviously critical end: at times, Potgieter's own style may be seen to shine through. A. Vader - THEUN DE VRIES EN DICKENS Eventhough Dickens realized that the wrongs and misery of nineteenth-century England could only be ended by revolutionary means, he shrank back before the consequences of such a revolution. Likewise, in A Tale of Two Citiesthe sentimental Sidney Carton leads one's attention away from the tenor and aims of the French Revolution, towards the individual. M. Drost - INSANITY IN DICKENS'S AGE Up to the eighteenth century, psychiatric treatment did not amount to much. The wealthier mental patients were housed at doctors' and the clergy's; the poor were put in work houses, homes and asylums, subjected to horrid treatment and neglect until well into the nineteenth century. Meanwhile, various psychiatric theories had been developed, inspired by the rational tenor of the Enlightenment, e.g. Gall's phre-nology, and mesmerism, surviving well into the nineteenth century. They can be found in Dickens's works, as well as various causes of mental illnesses: loose living; physical causes; various addictions and psycho-somatic problems. Very often he described dementia, delirium and suicide and the atmosphere in asylums. Not sharing the customary fear of insanity, he contributed much to 'The Sanatorium', Dr Southwood's middle-class clinic for the physically and the mentally ill. C.C. Barfoot - SWIVELLING WITH DICKENS AS ROMANTIC AND ANTIROMANTIC Dickens zat tussen twee tegengestelde literaire tradities in: in zijn romans verbond hij de realistische 'zedenkomedie' met een gotisch-romantische traditie. Zijn romans lopen meestal 'gelukkig' af, maar zitten propvol lugubere elementen en gotische aspecten (familiegeheimen, gerommel met testamenten, ontsnapte gevangenen, (zelf-)moorden, lijken, afpersingen, enz.) We vinden beide tegenpolen terug in de persoon van Dick Swiveller The Old Curiosity Shop): tegelijk met zijn hevige koorts komt er een einde aan zijn ge- romantiseer, en belandt hij als toegewijde echtgenoot stevig met beide voeten op de grond. Mrs Skewton Dombey and Son), Mrs Merdle Little Dorrit) en Harold Skimpole maken

Krantenviewer Noord-Hollands Archief

The Dutch Dickensian | 1988 | | pagina 96