Dickens als toneelschrijver with him to play the songs; but he was laid up, when the day came, with a terribly bad cold and an inflammation of the face. He wrote to say so, and added that he would resume his application next season." (L. of C.D.) Geen professionele carriere aan het toneel dus, voorlopig niet, maar wel was Dickens inmiddels succesvol met zijn Sketches en de eerste afleveringen van de Pickwick papers. Dickens schreef enkele stukken voor het toneel, bestemd om in het St. James Theatre te worden opgevoerd. De manager van dat theatre was goed bevriend met Dickens's zuster Fanny; 1836: "He was led to take much interest in Mr Brahan's enterprise at the St. James's Theatre; and in an aid of it he wrote a farce for Mr Harley, founded upon one of his sketches, and the story and songs for an opera composed by his friend Mr Hullah. Both The Strange Gentleman" acted in september and The Village Coquettes" produces in december 1836 had a good success, and the last is memorable to me (John Forster) for having me first into personal communication with Dickens." (J.F.) Opmerkelijk was dat er in deze stukken muzikale gedeeltes voorkwamen. Dat was een kwestie van moeten omdat slechts enkele theaters in Londen het voorrecht hadden "straight plays" op te voeren: "It is interesting to know why The Strange Gentleman", a farcial comedy depending on misunderstandings in dialogue and situation, had to be put on as a - 7 burletta. The reason was that the only London Theaters at that time licensed under Royal Patent for "straight" plays were Covent Garden, Drury Lane and the Haymarket, the lastnamed license operating only when the first two were closed for the summer "recess". The principal fare was Shakespeare, Congreve, Farquhar, Vanbrugh and Sheridan, and occasionally opera, though new dramas and comedies were often introduced to make up a composite bill. Other houses, apart from the "private theaters" already notices, could only present "musical performances of a dramatic nature", such as operas, operettes, burlesques, and so on. Obviously, to evade the monopoly, music had to be provided. But, in view of the looseness of the wording of the prohibition, other managements were quick to percieve that the musical "quota" could be reduced to a minimum. Hence the announced duet in "The Strange Gentleman", though there would be, of course, an ouverture, and interval music. An official end was put to this untenable situation by Act of Parliament, though not till 1843." (F.D.F.) Een volgend stuk was een klucht, een éénacter, "The Lamplighter", volgens deskundigen het zwakste stuk uit Dickens' toneel-producties. Zelfs zijn goede vriend Macready wees het af en was niet bereid het in Covent Garden op te voeren. Wel was Dickens nauw betrokken bij de toneelstukken die zijn vrienden Mark Lemon ("Mr Nightingale's Diary") en Wilkie Collins ("Lighthouse" en "The Frozen Deep") schreven. Toch heeft Dickens in grote mate

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The Dutch Dickensian | 1989 | | pagina 13