Notes on contributors Agnes M. Zwaneveld is ais docente Nederlandse taalbeheersing verbonden aan het Instituut voor Vertaalwetenschap van de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Zij doet onder zoek naar vertalingen en waardering van het werk van Laurence Sterne en Charles Dickens in Nederland. Over Dickens heeft zij de volgende artikelen gepubliceerd: 1988: 'Een vertaling uit 1837" in: De Gids 150 (1987), 884-887. 1988: "Dickens' entree in de Nederlandse letterkunde: 'De Aardmannetjes en de koster. Een sprookje" in: The Dutch Dickensian X (1988), nr. 19, 29-43. Paul Schlicke is author of Dickens and Popular Entertainment (Allen Unwin, 1985; with alterations, 1988); of The Old Curiosity Shop: An annotated Bibliography (Garland, 1988; with Priscilla Schlicke); editor of Hard Times (World's Classics, 1989) and of Nicholas Nickleby (forthcoming from World's Classics, 1990); and has published articles and reviews in a number of scholarly journals. He is presently working on The Companion to The Old Curiosity Shop and on a book to be called Dickens the Showman: Essays on Dickens and Popular Culture. Kees van Steijnen is kinderarts in het Elisabeth Gasthuis te Haarlem. In The Dutch Dickensian vol.IX no 18 publiceerde hij Dickens in Nederland. Beertje van Waes is beeldend kunstenares in Uithuizen. Kees Klok geeft geschiedenisles aan een scholengemeenschap MAVO, HAVO, VWO, publiceerde de afgelopen jaren 3 poëzie bundeltjes. Hij studeert geschiedenis aan de Universiteit van Utrecht. Philip Collins, Emeritus Professor of English at the University of Leicester, attracted notice as a Dickens-scholar with his first and still best-remembered and (as he thinks) best book in this area Dickens and Crime (1962). His career since then has included the publication of Dickens and Education (1963), books on Bleak House (1971) and David Copperfield (1977), Dickens:lnterviews and Recollections (1981, editions of Dickens's Public Readings (1975) and - with Edward Giuliano - The Annotated Dickens (1986), and other items such as the current Dickens entry in the Encyclopedia Britannica (1974). His Dickens: the Critical Heritage (1971) is an anthology representing Victorian assessments of the novelist's work. Collins has also written about Boswell, Tennyson, Thackeray, Trollope, Hardy and Shaw. - 88 -

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The Dutch Dickensian | 1989 | | pagina 94