A notary clerk in Friesland, who was the model for Uriah Heep werd, in Friesland, who was the model for Uriah Heep.9 But enough of all this merry nonsense - of which, incidentally, no mention is found in any Dickens encyclopedia - nonsense which, if it proves anything at all, is evi dence of the tragic, and certainly unattai nable wish to incorporate Dickens in per son into our country. The fact that his work has taken root here should be enough. If I have touched on this question at all, it is because of my desire to be complete in my incompleteness, rather than any wish to reopen this old wound with its history in the bitter quarrels of the sectarian groups - yet another form of compartmentalisation! - in this part of the country. The very fact that I, a representative of another Dutch group, the Dickens Move ment, have been permitted to have my say here today is sufficient evidence of what spiritual harmony can achieve where scho larly insights diverge. I should therefore like to thank the Haarlem Branch for the hospitality they have shown, and the au dience for their patience and kind attenti on. NOTEN 1 B. Luger, Dickens in Holland. A short history of appreciationin Haarlem Dickensian GazetteJuly 1991. 2 B. Luger, Dickens' populariteit in Neder land in de negentiende eeuwin The Dutch Dicken sian, vol. IX, Dec. 1987 no. 18. 3 Luise Sigmann, Die englische Literatur von 1800-1850 im Urteil der zeitgenössischen deut- schen Kritik, Heidelberg 1918, Cap. XVI. 4 C. van Steynen, in Haarlem Dickensian Gazette, March 1992. 5 A.M.A. Bogaerts, Chesterton and the Victorian Age, Hilversum, 1940, p. 10. 6 In fatsoen hersteld. Zedelijkheid en weder opbouw na de oorlog, Eds. Hansje Galesloot Margreet Schrevel, Amsterdam. 7 Cf. Ido Weijers, Terug naar het behou den huis. Romanschrijvers en wetenschappers in de jaren vijftig. Amsterdam 1991. 8 M. 't Hart, De romans van Charles Dic kens, in: Bijlage section of Vrij Nederland, July 14th 1979. 9 J. Palm, Dickens in Bronkhorst, in Histo risch Nieuwsblad, 0/91. 41

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The Dutch Dickensian | 1993 | | pagina 47