Book of Study Het lijkt er eerder op dat de globalisering zich voortzet en dat men elkaar niet meer krijgt, althans, ik lees in de krant dat jonge hoogopgeleide vrouwen moeite hebben met het vinden van partners. Hoe zit dat? Met deze vragen laat ik u graag even alleen, in de hoop dat u daarop een antwoord hebt als "Dombey and Son" aan de orde komt in onze herfstbijeenkomst! Met Dickensiaanse groet, Paul Ferdinandusse Dombey and Son Preface of 1848 I cannot forego my usual opportunity of saying farewell to my readers in this greetingplace, though I have only to acknowledge the unbounded warmth and earnestness of their sympathy in every stage of the journey we have just concluded. If any of them have felt a sorrow in one of the principal incidents on which this fiction turns. I hope it may be a sorrow of that sort which endears the sharers in it, one to another. This is not unselfish in me. I may claim to have felt it, at least as much as anybody else; and I wouldfain be remembered kindly for my part in the experience. DEVONSHIRE TERRACE, Twenty-Fourth March, 1848. Penguin Classics ISBN 0-14-043048-2 5.99 Dombey and Son An internet version Railroad: A historical background of Dombey and son -5 -

Krantenviewer Noord-Hollands Archief

The Dutch Dickensian | 2000 | | pagina 5