Behalve de geestelijkheid zelf viel een deel van het huwelijksrecht en van het erfrecht onder de jurisdictie van deze rechtbanken, waarvan een aantal verbonden was met het door Dickens herhaaldelijk beschreven of vermelde Doctors'. Het droeg aanzienlijk bij tot de chaotische toestanden, die Dickens vooral t.a.v. erfrecht aantrof. Werd in het Court of Chancery langdurig gestreden over een erfenis, de geldigheid van een testament of legaat moest eerst in een kerkelijke rechtbank worden vastgesteld. In The Pickwick Papers (ch.10) vlucht mr Jingle dan ook met zijn bruid naar Doctor Commons'. Now Doctors' Commons being familiar by name to everybody, as the place where they grant marriage-licenses to lovesick couples, and divorces to unfaithful ones; register the wills of people who have any property to leave, and punish hasty gentlemen who call ladies by unpleasant names, we no sooner discovered that we were really within its precincts, than we felt a laudable desire to become better acquainted therewith; and as the first object of our curiosity was the Court, whose decrees can even unloose the bonds of matrimony, we procured a direction to it; and bent our steps thither without delay. Crossing a quiet and shady court-yard, paved with stone, and frowned upon by old red brick houses, on the doors of which were painted the names of sundry learned civilians, we paused before a small, green-baized, brass headed-nailed door, which yielding to our gentle push, at once admitted us into an old quaint-looking apartment, with sunken windows, and black carved wainscoting, at the upper end of which, seated on a raised platform, of semicircular shape, were about a dozen solemn-looking gentlemen, on crimson gowns and wigs. (Doctors' CommonsSketches by Bo%). Doctors' Commons was een samenraapsel van verschillende rechtbanken, waarvan de leden hetzelfde gebouw gebruikten en die bestonden uit dezelfde individuen. Het bevatte de Admiral ty Court; de Prerogative Office, waar testamenten werden geregistreerd en bewaard; de Prerogative Court, dat testamentaire zaken behandelde; de Court of the Arches, het provincia le hof van de Aarsbisschop van Canterbury; en het Consistory Court, het diocesane hof van de Bisschop van Londen. It's a little out-of-the-way place, where they administer what is called ecclesiastical law, and play all kind of tricks with obsolete old monsters of acts of Parliament, which three-fourths of the world know nothing about, and the other fourth supposes to have been dug up, in a fossil state, in the days of the Edwards. It's a place that has an ancient monopoly in suits about people's wills and people's marriages, and disputes among ships and boatsthey are managed and decided by the same set of people, down in the same Doctors' Commons. You shall go there one day, and find them blundering through half the nautical terms in Young's Dictionary, apropos of the 'Nancy' having run down the 'Sarah Jane,' of Mr. Peggotty and the Yarmouth boatmen having put off in a gale of wind with an anchor and cable to the 'Nelson' Indiaman in distress; and you shall go there another day, and find them deep in the evidence, pro and con., respecting a clergyman who has misbehaved himself; and you shall find the judge in the nautical case the advocate in the clergyman's case, or contrawise. They are like actors: now a man's a judge, and now he is not a judge;.... (David Coppe-rfield ch.xxiii) Even later in hetzelfde hoofdstuk laat Mr.Spenlow David Doctors' Commons zien: Mr.Spenlow conducted me through a paved court yard formed of grave brick houses, which I inferred, from the Doctors' names upon the doors, to be the official abiding places of the learned advocates of whom Steerforth had told me; and into a large dull room, not unlike a chapel to my thinking, on the left hand. The upper part of this room was fenced off from the rest; and there, on the two sides of a raised platform of the horse-shoe form, sitting on easy old-fashioned chairs, were sundry gentlemen in red gowns and grey wigs, whom I found to be the Doctors aforesaid. Blinking over a little desk like a pulpit-desk, in the curve of the horse-shoe, was an old gentleman,

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The Dutch Dickensian | 2002 | | pagina 12