AL. ■r\ o>--, Najaar 2005 no. 54 aantrekkingskracht van zijn werk bij een breed publiek: in vergelijking tot Dickens karakters moet de lezer zich wel een normale persoon (cq superieur mens) vinden. iF k ■:u^ry v b. i - - I 'J* Dickens was als schrijver succesvol en uniek omdat hij deze (meestal introverte, behoudende) Conscientious Style combineerde met een tweede karakterstijl; de extraverte, explorerende Dramatic Style; die staat voor het vermogen om gevoelens en gedachten op een kleurrijke, artistieke manier tot uiting te brengen. De Dramatic Style gaf Dickens' karakter een theatraal tintje. Conscientious Style is 'left brain', Dramatic Style is 'right brain. Bijlage Dr. John M. Oldham has defined the Conscientious personality style. The following eight characteristic traits and behaviors are listed in his The New Personality Self-Poriraii. Hard work. The Conscientious person is dedicated to work, works very hard, and is capable of intense, single-minded effort. The right thing. To be Conscientious is to be a person of conscience. These are men and women of strong moral principles and values. Opinions and beliefs on any subject are rarely held lightly. Conscientious individuals want to do the right thing. The right way. Everything must be done "right," and the Conscientious person has a clear understanding of what that means, from the correct way to balance the checkbook, to the best strategy to achieve the boss's objectives, to how to fit every single dirty dish into the dishwasher. Perfectionism. The Conscientious person likes all tasks and projects to be complete to the final detail, without even minor flaws. Perseverance. They slick to their convictions and opinions. Opposition only serves to strengthen their dogged determination. Order and detail. Conscientious people like the appearance of orderliness and tidiness. They are good organizers, catalogers, and list makers. No detail is too small for Conscientious consideration. Prudence. Thrifty, careful, and cautious in all areas of their lives, Conscientious individuals do not give in to reckless abandon or wild excess, (noot JdB: compulsief geld uitgeven is ook mogelijk!) Accumulation. A "pack rat," the Conscientious person saves and collects things, reluctant to discard anything that has, formerly had, or someday may have value for him or her. Basic Trait (source: Dave Kelly) The basic trait of the Conscientious personality type is a preoccupation with mental and interpersonal control in order to avoid or overcome feelings of insecurity. Salzman 1968) found that the typical obsessive-compulsive has a need to "gain control over one's self and one's environment in order to avoid or overcome distressful feelings of helplessness. The concern about the possibility of losing control by being incompetent, insufficiently informed, or unable to reduce the risks of living produces the greatest amount of anxiety. The realization of one's humaneness with its inherent limitations -- is often the basis for considerable anxiety and obsessive attempts of greater control over one's living (16)." All of the traits of the Conscientious personality type are expressions of this need to control. The Dutch Dickensian Volume XXV

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The Dutch Dickensian | 2005 | | pagina 7