Voorjaar 2009 no.66 OPLOSSING PUZZEL TDD-64-5 Martin Chnzzleivit NAAMZOEKER Anthony Bailey Prig Kedgick Charity Slyme Chuffey Diver Crimple Jobling Pogram Choke Fladdock Chollop Brick Westlock Jonas Lewsome Pawkins MarkTapley Martin Mary Mercy Montigue Bevan Fip Jinkins Mould Harris Hominy Lupin Todgers Nadgett Norris OldMartin Sweedlepipe Ruth Gamp Pecksniff Spottletoe Tom Scadder 31 The Dutch Dickensian Volume XXIX 35. Seei7d. 36. See I7d. 38. "These pages must(4) 40. With lid. sd, 23a's cane will do this to 31a. 43. Mrs. Markleham's one unchangeable abbreviated cap came, in short, from this country. 44. See 7d. 45. With 4od. Micawber has a detailed one of 2ia's "malpractice." (4) 46. The shortest version of this novel. (2)

Krantenviewer Noord-Hollands Archief

The Dutch Dickensian | 2009 | | pagina 31