Puzzel TDD 68 Dickens-Piramide 109 reputation with a wide range of audiences, academic and popular, as shown by the immensely successful series of Dickens Days he initiated ai Birkbeck, University of London, where he spent a long and distinguished caree. He is Emeritus Professor of Victorian Literature at Birkbeck, a past President of the International Dickens Fellowship, a former editor of the Dickensian, and served for many years as a Trustee of the Charles Dickens Museum, including several periods as Chairman. He is uniquely qualified to write such a book, and it joins his already considerable output: Dickens and Women, An Intelligent Person's Guide to Dickens, Dickens and America and the Americans; his four-volume edition of Dickens's Journalism and other editorial work as Dickens 1970 and the Dickens Index and a wide range editions of the novels including his General Editorship of the Everyman Dickens. Many audiences inside and outside the Dickens Fellowship have enjoyed with great relish the talks he has given on Dickensian topics, especially in recent years as he has presented progress reports on hisbook, recently published. Dit keer een puzzel die onder puzzelaars bekend staat als een getallen-piramide. Hierbij wordt de inhoud van ieder vakje bepaald door de som van de inhoud van de twee onderliggende vakjes. Met een variatie daarop heeft de puzzel-redactie er dit keer een Dickens- piramide van gemaakt. De bedoeling is dat u bepaalt (berekent) wat de juiste plaats is van de letters van Dickens, (tip zet de gegeven letters om in getallen.) 5Z+23 2Z+1 7-2= L V K 7+1= A E+l

Krantenviewer Noord-Hollands Archief

The Dutch Dickensian | 2009 | | pagina 49