Dickens Dagen in Deventer 192 Binnenkant van The Old Furnival Inn in Dickens's dagen There is greater sentiment, however, attached to the house from the fact that Dickens locates David Copperfield in the selfsame rooms he occupied himself with Mrs. Crupp as the landlady. The rooms were at the top of the house, says david in describing his temporary abode, and consisted of "a little half-blind entry where you could see hardly anything, a little stone- blind pantry where you could see nothing at all, a sitting room, and a bed room. The furniture was rather faded, but good enough for me; and sure enough, the river was outside the window." Op 18 en 19 december zullen wederom de Dickens dagen in Deventer gehouden worden. Om te voorkomen dat het geheel wordt overgenomen door commercie en warme kastanje verkopers, overigens zijn gepofte kastanjes erg lekker, zal Ton Vroom op zondag 19 december om 12.00 en 13.00 twee korte voordrachten houden over de werkelijkheid achter de huidige kerst traditie en hoe Charles Dickens de viering van het kerstfeest beïnvloed heeft.

Krantenviewer Noord-Hollands Archief

The Dutch Dickensian | 2010 | | pagina 50